The Recipe and the Sauce

I bought these shoes so you could walk in it with me, the sole same as mine so you can  know where it pinches…


I bought you these shoes so you could skid with them on the concrete floors established, bumping into that negligible elevation across the entrance,the slight pain  nudging up the big toe cautioning you to always be careful, a system driven through minds. The system we live and hold on to thrive in. A system that “exposes”  how fragile and thin we can be. The price for error in a “flawless” world, sparkling neat. I bought these shoes, so you can see the refined print a representation of what is the reality now …refined,  everything refined seems like the motto. Quickly forgetting nature nurtures originality  deep in the roots, then births uniqueness which oozes like sap from the succulent stem. Yet we  chase after everything refined and seek to be refined in every means possible both young and old, ignorant and enlightened.

I bought these shoes so we could run faster than 27.7 mph as we feel the wind in our faces, the cool breeze as we cut through it’s laminar flow, just as fast as the good times seem to flow away or how fast good things get corrupt, spoiling  them rotten to the core  like iron left at the mercy of water in open air.The lungs filled with a burning pang  as you draw in breath to beat the anaerobic respiration that just transpired. I bought these shoes so you could see that the outer sole diminish faster than the inner sole. Head  buried between your knees, hands placed firmly on the knees for support as you fight hard to breathe. Thin sweat flows from your  brow down to the ground. As the sweat drop splatters on the ground that’s when you the revelation hits you. The unequal wearing out is just an imbalance due to the weight of life itself. Life never plays fair.


I bought these shoes so you  feel it as you tie that knot on those laces same as mine. Feel the dust on the pavement impinging on the nose , sneeze a little as you hurry up tying so you could rub your nose. Fight that urge not to close your eyes as your knuckles cover your view  and then see as none bats an eye to the pentagrams and sacrilege of upside down crosses emerging ,the resentment and bitterness in them, the emptiness inside surrounding in almost every  corner, pale dark grey iris looking past as we walk down the streets.Bought these shoes so you can feel it the betrayal openly imposed, as  darkness reigns. The few enlightened ones walking timidly their light baiting them as the falsehood of faking till you make it tries to snub off that mighty light.


I bought these shoes so you could feel the whiteness bounce off the sun rays,the golden  shine in the sun, as it rises once more  so you could see the life ’round here. Bought you these shoes to feel the ground when the gray creeps on the magnificent view, feel the energy turn cold like clouds clothing the heat on a just sunny day, radiating  dead cold… mother nature they say, an habitat comprising all, but not all Incorporated in its beauty. Watch the color  fade away as the facts settle in. Rage instilled in most of them, empty questions answered with hollow explanations. A daily dose of nothing new under the sun.

strap on so you can feel how it pinches.

I bought these shoes so you could join the crew down the streets, the evening ambiance dark and lit, confidence surging in their smiles, each loving every second. Each and every spirit uniting beneath the laughter and challenges, sprints, dares, wisdom; life as it happens in Joy. The amber lighting in the  city  prevails as the stories of the fuck ups, deeds filled with pride, the bullets missed, the life thus far rings through the crew, bonded by will and skill, each in their own capacity filling spaces, leading through  naturally dimensions only destined for them, all swagged out, all in their own taste, a blend riveted together by Loyalty,  seeming like Royalty. I bought you these shoes so you could step straight to the real, the black and white of it all.


I bought you these shoes so you could see  sunset above the green hills, the orange outlining the edges. It’s golden lustre flexing across the blue sky. It’s brilliance as the white clouds reflect heavenly, subtly golden. A sudden still view stopping time; how memories are created. Blue blending into sunset orange  stretching imagination, the borders determining whether real or pure imagination pushed further, broader …

” On va se calmer ici “

I bought these shoes so you could hurry up the hill slopes as the dew on the grass dries up. The dry air dense, scented of grass. A rush up the hill as the shoes connect with the soft moist soil. So you could feel the joy of nature, the innocence, a run up the slopes as the lungs work more. The heat radiating from our chests  been cooled over by the katabatic winds in  an effort to at least catch the last view of the sunset on top of the hill. The dark violet coloring the clouds, the moon visible by it’s weak trace, growing bolder and bolder into the evening, a transition into the darkness governed by the sun’s reflection,

You can’t put price, boundaries, or lack of faith  on Beauty, its sparkle sparkling bright, revealing the glory hidden in that treasure(Beauty)

I bought you these shoes so you could understand life begins, beyond greed. Past the infatuations. The life happening when that impulsive rush is quenched and for a moment life choices  never seemed so easy. Life where feet walk paths of destiny, each running its race. A deeper dive into the future. Life assured from the peace of mind in the soul, that silent lullaby that rests the mind. Rejuvenation of a mighty spirit, a strength in confidence, doubt declared obsolete.

Image result for at the kitchen table

I bought you these shoes so you could feel heat in them,sitting alongside the kitchen table. Laughter ringing out loud, surrounded by familiar faces, hearts bounded together. Trust reflecting in the long conversations, the smiles evident as  each chips in.One on the corner massaging the spices deep into the meal eagerly anticipated, vibing  with the music in the atmosphere as it uplifts the spirits, the glasses half filled each drinking to their fill. I bought  these shoes so you could feel the emotion as some applaud the taste bestowed on your feet and also feel the envy in the words spoken by others who won’t appreciate them.Clearly one man’s meat is another man’s poison.

But one must not think ill of the paradox, for the paradox is the passion of thought, and the thinker without the paradox is like the lover without passion: a mediocre fellow. But the ultimate potentiation of every passion is always to will its own downfall, and so it is also the ultimate passion of the understanding to will the collision, although in one way or another the collision must become its downfall. This, then, is the ultimate paradox of thought: to want to discover something that thought itself cannot think. – Søren Kierkegaard.

I bought you these shoes so you could  testify like a christian, tasting the love of God…. testify to the natural mysteries  found under the Sun. The similarities equal to the uniqueness, wonder about how similar but different, how bright and dark, how clever but dumb or  how blessed but blind as you live life, feet growing subtly the pinch felt in these shoes. The bad and the good, the wild and the calm around

The probability that as you move forward on your adventure, that you’re gonna get it right the first time is zero… Imagine that you’re trying to become enlightened you think well that’s just a linear  pathway uphill from one success to another, no it’s not, there you are not doing too badly and then the first step into enlightenment is a complete bloody catastrophe… then maybe  you can pull yourself together and you hit a new plateau and then that crumbles and shakes and bang it’s worse again….

part of the reason that people don’t become enlightened is because it’s punctuated by intermittent desserts essentially intermittent catastrophes and if you don’t know that well then you’re basically ….” – Jordan B. Peterson (Joseph and the coat of many colors)

One Comment Add yours

  1. Violet says:

    I love this piece, it’s full of optimism. Its quite extraordinary and profound. I love it, one step at a time.

    Liked by 1 person

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