

“ It was my mind that was consuming fire; not my body. ”…

A thorn in the flesh.

Like a spinning wheel that can’t catch it’s breaks.

God’s child sleeping, His magnificent radiance surrounding (blindingly bright).

I look at her; the greatest embodiment of love (Roots).

Up above starless skies, still the sun and moon rise and set (Odd darkness). The revelation within it, what destroys you is the repulsion of the truth. With a deep and inner gaze  meditating. An effort to clean the soul, our other realm within us. The  inner mirror.



For love springs to awaken the mighty warrior, a fighter built to endure every second.

“For love fights not to dictate, not to hustle, not to oppress but enriches the soul with treasures far better than gold and choice silver.”

Diving into the unconsciousness, a throne for Justice, as my vision gets intrigued by the life destined, deep in my roots a clear path emerges. Narrow of sorts but prudent for life.

Whoever denies the existence of the unconscious is in fact assuming that our present knowledge of the psyche (soul)  is total. And this belief is clearly just as false as the assumption that we know all there is to be known about the natural universe . Our psyche (soul) is part of nature, and its enigma is as limitless. Thus we cannot define either the psyche (soul) or nature. We can merely state what we believe them to be and describe, as best we can, how they function. Quite apart, therefore, from the evidence that medical research has accumulated, there are strong grounds of logic for rejecting statements like “There is no unconscious. ” Those who say such  things merely express an age-old “misoneism ” — a fear of the new and the unknown . ” – Carl G. Jung


Hearts; a pumping station full of love and if the real ones are surrounding, then nordiskt guld (Nordic Goldglitters  no more.

Hearts; surrounding with it’s fierce grasp,breaking senseless chains. Creating room for deeper connections.

Hearts; providing ailment to wounds, sealing scars while smoothing it’s harsh perspective. Destroying toxicity, cleaning the being right deep to the soul.

With hearts surrounding, they build a shelter all around you, comfort and strength. Limiting the distance, making it easier to run the race. A deeper notion of trust, differentiating the taste of what’s a real smile from a fake smile. With hearts surrounding , you no longer play the victim, you strive to be bold.Hold




Photo Credit – Patrick Tomasso.




2 Comments Add yours

  1. royalmutuota says:

    Loved it fam


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